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Bold & beautiful proud African Woman. Living passionately,indulging selflessly and loving deeply.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Happy Birthday to my Baby Brother Veve!

… Mealtimes that year were interrupted by mummy excusing herself. I wondered why she insisted on returning to the dining table after what seemed like a very painful session of throwing up! Just like the baby secretly forming in her womb, she alone could justify it. Mummy was pregnant but this was a strange pregnancy; she was still breast feeding my baby sister Angela. (0-o)

That is the year I caught typhoid in my final year in primary school just before sitting my mock examinations. I recall the image of a heavily pregnant Goretti walking into the sick bay at Gayaza Junior School to take me home. She looked exhausted and the news of my illness terrified her.

On 15th August, mummy labored for over 7 hours to bring forth was would become the last fruit of her womb. Veve, as well fondly call him, was my sister Angela’s attempt to say his name Francis when she was just 2 years old.

He was a special baby, with an amazing temperament. He went through the normal stages of child development until 8 months when he got a polio vaccination. What seemed like the expected fever after immunization turned into a full blown medical condition that saw him bedridden for so many months. A few months before his first birthday, he had attempted to walk on his own but when he emerged from hospital, he could hardly move his limbs. My brother had recovered from Polio but as fate would have it, he would never be able to walk again.

Veve is a special child! Underneath the banner of his fate, his benevolent spirit outshines his shortcoming. God has granted him favour with people and friends at school. He has achieved so much in his life and is on his journey to becoming a computer scientist.

Today I celebrate the life of an amazing gentleman; my brother whose future is bright and full of unlimited opportunities. Happy Birthday bro.

Strength in weakness

3rd September 2014
... the emotion captures my heart and I get overwhelmed; in a nice way! A state of vulnerability overtakes my soul and breaks all my walls. It is then that weakness stares me in the face and the glaring evidence of all the water that has gone under this bridge comes to life but in a distant dream. I see your hand reaching out for mine and then I realize,that it's only when we are weak that we are able to appreciate strength.
I embrace you,the greatest love of all,for even after all these years,I still believe,that in you alone,lies my life's anchor. Yes, Love always wins.