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Bold & beautiful proud African Woman. Living passionately,indulging selflessly and loving deeply.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Boundaries and Restraint

..like having tea in Mummy's cup or taking her seat at the family eating 'table'. These silent rules drew invisible boundaries and planted the first seeds of restraint.

Community property was shared custody. The survival and social benefits of a village well were upheld in preservation of the livelihood of the community.

Now things have changed:

The ring-fence on Kapere's new acquisition beholds the village well. The envious eyes on a stolen treasure and thirsty tongues craning over the fence longing for sweet freedom, have turned Kapere into a semi god.

When we draw boundaries, we are practising restraint: putting the common good before our individual gain. This is one of the values that has fostered amicable relations and upheld communities for generations.

It starts at home, in the heart: you can not restrain in public what you have not restrained in your heart. We restrain under authority and within limits set by rules that govern us.

Out of home and the village,

Like re-known lawyer Daudi Mpanga once questioned: What then do you have to say about someone, who thinks they can change the long Buganda tradition of members of the same clan not getting married to each other, because the girl they love belongs to their clan?

Ideas are seeds; they are God’s whisper in your ear.

If your business relies on the selling of ideas, you will agree that a good idea is like God’s whisper in your ear. It is divine: like the fullness of time, it’s in line with your life’s journey and all things are lined up just to bring it to pass. It is bold: clear and empowering; in your mind, you can see the end from the beginning. The jolt of energy from its formation inspires you to cut through the spin of creeping economies and unstable political situations. Ideas are the seeds for every business: they need diligent custodians to drive them to maturity.

Ideas emerge in the stillness of the mind, they are like drops of mild rain: if they fall through dry air, they may never touch the ground. Similarly, a cluttered mind is like a disturbance in the sea. The idea is spiraled into waves of distortion and soon forgotten. To appreciate the power of a good idea is to shield your mind from the waves of distraction that life throws at us.

Ideas are seeds: they are gifts. We simply take on the role of custodians. We must stay humble. No one can steal your idea:they may be able to copy the cover but not the revelation. Do not start your business with stolen seed. The owners of the seed will claim their harvest.

Every seed goes through a cycle of growth. When a seed is put into the ground, it dies before it brings forth new growth. Some seeds take longer than others to sprout: waiting earnestly and drawing inspiration from the boldness of your idea is what will bring you forth to your harvest.

Death brings forth newness. Longing brings forth surrender. Waiting grooms perseverance.

Lessons we learn when we run businesses. #iBRANDat7years