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Bold & beautiful proud African Woman. Living passionately,indulging selflessly and loving deeply.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Kibuule’s utterances and my silent humiliation.

I received a message from a friend this afternoon saying that according to him,my comment was the missing link on Kibuule’s utterances. He asked if I had posted something on Twitter!

No I haven't: and my silence on this issue doesn’t mean that I haven’t seen or been incensed by it. I’m still recovering from something that happened to me on Monday, plus the pile of work I had to put out this week, has not given me a chance to comment. In fact, as far as my work is concerned, between 10am-12pm yesterday on twitter,the #kibuule hashtag was moving alongside #UGMedia . #UGMedia is a discussion by Kalundi Serumaga on Uganda’s media.

I will now project my bow on Kibuule: he represents a section of men who without any respect, see every woman as their prey. They shoot to kill at whatever cost: some with their words and others with their actions.
I have read somewhere, that any unwelcome sexual advance equates to sexual harassment. I also know that as a woman, my body visibly attracts male attention. So,I make an effort, despite many temptation to dress decently.

I was however drawn into a helpless and passive situation early this week, when in the process of greeting someone, they offered to give me a hug, which I quickly disguised by offering my hand on the side; this is what most people call the side- hug. I found out along time ago that this was the best way to avoid embarrassing situations with guys, who in the name of giving you a hug, touch your body inappropriately.

So, when I reached out with my side hug, this man’s hand navigated the back of my blouse, tagged at my bra and snapped it. All this happened in less than a minute.

With the bile rising from the violation of my privacy and ownership of my body, I turned straight up and caught the smug look on his face. I wished I could slappppppppppppppppp this man so hard or at least pull at his ……. But I was thrown into a state of passiveness. Humiliation engulfed my spirit and I cringed at the just how much this man had evaded my privacy.
So today, I will sign the petition to censure Kibuule because men with thoughts like his, need a lesson in the beauty embodied by femininity.

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