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Bold & beautiful proud African Woman. Living passionately,indulging selflessly and loving deeply.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Naguru Lights!!

As I walk through Naguru this evening, I marvel at the artistic illumination of darkness over the hills. I stand and gaze at the harmonious galaxy of lights. Not aligned in any order like the blue lights on the runway at night,but their effort to glow calms my senses.

With my eyes closed, and neck stretched out, my mind wanders as the soft wind gently caresses my cheek. Thoughts of loved ones in faraway lands linger on my mind; wishing they were here to share this moment with me.

One sigh, two sighs…. seven sighs, and as the air reaches to the depths of my toes, the cares of today, those that may have been leftover from yesterday subside.

And just like daylight wanes, and darkness takes over, giving those lights a chance to shine, I gain courage that this star will shine.

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