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Bold & beautiful proud African Woman. Living passionately,indulging selflessly and loving deeply.

Friday, March 1, 2013

I want to be young again...

I want to be young again, but the world needs to stop for a minute. "Be Still!" I say to all the voices inside my head. I need to be touched with the true hands of love, and looked upon with eyes of caution. The seasons of life have worked on my spirit; filled it with pleasure and eroded it with pain all at the same time. What you have left is a spirit once free but now mature enough to produce a smile in the storm...but.... but... I wish there were no storms!! I wish I could dance in the rain with no worry about a fall. I wish I was immune to the words and actions of my surroundings. But my heart sucks it all in.. it is all happening to me! Why is it happening to me? And yet when it is all over, I look back upon the hill I just ascended, how far and dark the valley lies below, I shudder to look back at the trail I just left behind. Here at the mountain top where I stand, with all the freshness of a new season, I'm glad I'm alive to tell a story to those who care to listen, that I would never have made it with out HIM. My wish to be young again, is not that i can escape the seasons of life... which would then mean, I would never blossom. But I want to blossom, I want to shine, I want to make a dent on this universe. I want to LOVE with every fibre of my body... but I still want to be young again..if only to dance in the rain with no worry about a fall.

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